lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Which sports produce the best literature

Maohou Miniature Art

This questions probably has ever existed for a long time. But the literature structures has several steps to compromise of your writing and an opinion of you writing,

Literature over the centutries has tried to put us in a perception were their acknowledgement  is what matter the most. I disagree the media has come up, whit a bunch of crap telling us that we should fallow this author´s opinion because they are right but if we seek for more and more book of the topic that we like we will find that the more books we read the more culture and the more well-granted we are.

And here we have a topic in which, the result has to be compromised of the main sequence of your writings and has to be logical and with coherence, you have to talk about asport in which the case, you have to make a deduction of which is the sport that produce one the best literatures ever, hard isn´t it? Yes, even for me it is hard because, In my opinion I would say that Soccer or Football is the best sport that has history and literarature.

So write a history of any sport that you want (post 100-80 words) and share.