domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

MAC: Contemporary Art Museum, S.L.P.

 I was at the downtown when I saw this huge and amazing art gallery, Men!!!! It blowed me away, and I said:
- Are you kidding me, From Finland, WOW!!!!!!! thank to people that said that it was free-pass on sundays jijiji!
Then I entered, and the first thing I did was, to take a picture of every canvas that were over there.
The contrast and the simetric of them, the drawing, the color, of every canvas was absolutly gorgeous, I saw 20 pantings of Leaves, and the one that I like the most ,  was called The Almendro, It was as if the leaves were moving it, as if they were moving it, moreover the paintings,  seemed to hide kind like subliminal messages, You know, that something that you don´t want to be seen or listened. And There was also like 10 paintings of Venice which were made by WAVES!, and they really were, also they were like 10 paintings also of ECUMENICA, which was the intentions of putting together distinct religions from all over the world and make it one. Eventhough the artist, Who was Totte Mannes, (who is a women by the way, and she was born in Finland in 1933, and had participated in contest from all over the world, and be reknow aroud it, she lives in Madrid actually), make a reference that: I was impossible that she´d tried to got them out, You know the theme about religion, because this was a reason for wars and massacres instead of benefit work around the world.

Also what captured me the most, was that, she painted if the receptor and the canvas get together if that person were reflected on it, and then she knew that she had made her purpose, which was the knowledge of the receptor feelings where headed to a pleasant and well-lived journey. And That ARTS WERE THERE TO PRODUCE SATISFACTION TO THE ENTIRE HUMANITY.

How cool is that,make a Drwing, make a Line,make a Deam, make an Intention, Divert someone by plasming your personality in a canvas, Plasming All over the World, To be Heard, THAT´S WHAT ART MAKES, GIVE YOU PLEASURE, IN THE MOST INCONVIENT WAYS AND OBSTACLES THAT LIFE DOES. AND MORE.

BOURDAIN TO THE RESCUE:Meyer Lansky and Wonder Wheel (of HORROR)

Hey enjoy reading this people, I think when you get older the common and the only thing that you might probably gonna do, is wanting to spend time with your family, and I  think from my own perpective also Its marvelous to do that,  alsoo Im a huge fan of Miami Ink jeje In which, I saw also Chris Garver, Wow, kedding mee, he´s an amazing tattoo artist but also Bourdain, dont you think. (obiously from the kitchen jejeje)

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011


yOU BLODYYYY BLOODY BUTCHERRSS!!!! comm on if you want to make a respectful hamburger you need to do it by yourself!, a lot of people might dont know this that patties are made by ammonia stuff.
What!!!!! when  I first knew this MENNN!!!! I fall down in my chair, Watch OUT PEOPLE THE NEXT TIME, YOU GO TO HAMBURGERS RESTAURANTS, THEY MIGHT HAVE POISON! JAJAJAJA!
well not all of them you know! :P

Anthony Bourdain: The Wild Within

jajajaja well, I think this is absolutly correct, that we ENJOY, eating bacon, well some of us. I`ve been reading this article well it shocked me, i would definetly like to see one of its shows, and what kind of gives you.
You know that meat is meat and we dont see how do people kill them to make good food and also the countrary of this is that GREENPEACE! WILL COME AFTER YOU SO TAKE CARE!!! JAJA..
I think that shows like this have to be entertaineful because a reaason that we will watch it had to be that.
The show talks about a guy Steven that he is an excellent cooker and he always work with meat.
He`s not affraid  of risking his life in order to put the food at his family table, and that`s what it said on the resume. jaja see ya. Watch it.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011

Museum Homework

 Last week I went to Museo de la Mascara, which is in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. It was very interesting because that most of the mask were made of representative, creators of Mexico, specially San Luis Potosi, our culture is getting bigger and i think that one of the reason that there´s imagination and creativity around.

one of the reasons why I love music

Emmanuelle Caplette
Made her debut at the age of 9 years old with the drum corps. For eight years she played snares with different groups from Quebec. It is during this years that she won many awards including first place at the Provincial individual Championship Interpretation of Quebec, for four consecutive years. Upon her entry at Drummondville College, she studied drums in pop/jazz style with Camil Bolisle

2006 was the end of Cavalia tour, Emmanuelle joined the percussion troop Insolita created by Robert Dethier, Insolita was inspired by the music of World Beat ans proposes a mixed of percussions, batteries and special effects  and etc....... It was a lot of Bio, but she one of the best female drummers in this world so
take care!


I´m 16 years old, I play soccer in the school team, but I want to play in other teams, I love sports, specially contact ones. I enjoy reading books, I love languages. I play the drums and Im a huge fan of music. I was born on December 3rd of 1994. I dont like to much the mole and mushrooms. Im honest and loving person. I care about the people that I love. I also go to Flolklore classes. And I enjoy everything with imagination and creativity.

And I think that´s all :P